{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;\f1\fnil\fcharset134 STHeitiSC-Light;}
\f0\fs28 \cf0 All the things you are\
\cb2 You are the promised kiss of springtime \
\f1 \cf0 \'c4\'e3\'ca\'c7\'b4\'ba\'c8\'d5\'b5\'c4\'d4\'ca\'c5\'b5\'d6\'ae\'ce\'c7
\f0 \
That makes the lonely winter seem long \
\f1 \'c8\'c3\'bc\'c5\'c4\'af\'b5\'c4\'b6\'ac\'bc\'be\'b8\'fc\'cf\'d4\'c2\'fe\'b3\'a4
\f0 \
You are the breathless hush of evening \
\f1 \'c4\'e3\'ca\'c7\'d2\'b9\'cd\'ed\'ce\'de\'cf\'a2\'b5\'c4\'be\'b2\'da\'d7
\f0 \
That trembles on the brink of a lovely song
\f1 \
\f0 \
You are the angel glow that lights a star \
\f1 \'c4\'e3\'ca\'c7\'b5\'e3\'c1\'c1\'ba\'e3\'d0\'c7\'b5\'c4\'cc\'ec\'ca\'b9\'d6\'ae\'bb\'d4
\f0 \
The dearest things I know are what you are \
\f1 \'ce\'d2\'d6\'aa\'b5\'c0\'c4\'e3\'be\'cd\'ca\'c7\'d7\'ee\'bf\'c9\'b0\'ae\'b5\'c4\'c8\'cb\'b6\'f9
\f0 \
Some day my happy arms will hold you \
\f1 \'d7\'dc\'d3\'d0\'d2\'bb\'cc\'ec\'ce\'d2\'d0\'d2\'b8\'a3\'b5\'c4\'cb\'ab\'b1\'db\'bb\'e1\'c2\'a7\'d7\'a1\'c4\'e3
\f0 \
And some day I\'92ll know that moment divine \
\f1 \'d7\'dc\'d3\'d0\'d2\'bb\'cc\'ec\'d5\'e2\'b8\'f6\'c9\'f1\'ca\'a5\'b5\'c4\'ca\'b1\'bf\'cc\'bb\'e1\'c0\'b4\'b5\'bd
\f0 \
When all the things you are, are mine \
\f1 \'c4\'e3\'b5\'c4\'d2\'bb\'c7\'d0\'a3\'ac\'b6\'bc\'ca\'c7\'ce\'d2\'b5\'c4
\f0 \
You are the angel glow that lights a star \
\f1 \'c4\'e3\'ca\'c7\'b5\'e3\'c1\'c1\'ba\'e3\'d0\'c7\'b5\'c4\'cc\'ec\'ca\'b9\'d6\'ae\'bb\'d4
\f0 \
The dearest things I know are what you are \
\f1 \'ce\'d2\'d6\'aa\'b5\'c0\'c4\'e3\'be\'cd\'ca\'c7\'d7\'ee\'bf\'c9\'b0\'ae\'b5\'c4\'c8\'cb\'b6\'f9
\f0 \
Some day my happy arms will hold you \
\f1 \'d7\'dc\'d3\'d0\'d2\'bb\'cc\'ec\'ce\'d2\'d0\'d2\'b8\'a3\'b5\'c4\'cb\'ab\'b1\'db\'bb\'e1\'c2\'a7\'d7\'a1\'c4\'e3
\f0 \
And some day I\'92ll know that moment divine \
\f1 \'d7\'dc\'d3\'d0\'d2\'bb\'cc\'ec\'d5\'e2\'b8\'f6\'c9\'f1\'ca\'a5\'b5\'c4\'ca\'b1\'bf\'cc\'bb\'e1\'c0\'b4\'b5\'bd
\f0 \
When all the things you are, are mine \
\f1 \'c4\'e3\'b5\'c4\'d2\'bb\'c7\'d0\'a3\'ac\'b6\'bc\'ca\'c7\'ce\'d2\'b5\'c4
\f0 \
- 专辑:Mood Swings
- 歌手:The Swingle Singers
- 歌曲:All the Things You Are