by vaetion chin nah, nah-nah-nah, nah nah nah nah, nah-nah-nah, nah nah nah i was heading down to spring street with a suitcase in my hand filled with love and life and grand illusion, i knew you'd understand i left you by the stairwell and your eyes
그 날처럼 따뜻한 바람 불고 就像那天, 温暖的风静静吹 그대가 사랑하던 화분엔 꽃이 피고 你最喜欢的蔷薇 就这么出现花蕊 어느 샌가 또 봄날이 드리워도 不知不觉 季节又来到春天 아직도 난 깊은 겨울 잠을 자고 싶어 我却只想 钻进回忆冬眠 아주 멀리, 아주 멀리 그대가 있나요 远远想你 远远想你 想你会在哪里 사실 난 그대가 매일 그리운데 每一分 每一秒 其实都想念你 아주 작은, 아주 작은 사소한 것들에도 一点一滴 一点一滴 每天身旁的事情 매일 그대가 생각이 나
One love, One love Carries on One Touch, one touch Carries on One look, one look Carries on [Chorus] One Smile When can you give me, when can you give me Touch me Can you give me, oh can you give me Love me Come and give me, oh can you give me some O
- Hang On The Box i'm gonna spring out of the building through when i drink up when i am high it's most important in my life to face to myself just like so kill myself at that time love has no sense band has no sense life has no sense i wanna refuse
歌曲名称:spring ecstasy 专辑名称:2046 出版年代:2003年 发行公司:天中文化 语言类别:英语 歌手名称:李泉 歌手类别:大陆男歌手 词曲:作曲:李泉 作词:lizette woodworth reese let me walk, let me run run straight to paridise the weather is so mad with white from the sky down to the earth it but one, thing were
I didn't have to turn around I could feel him in the back of my brain When i step into the crowd Something told me that i'll meet you today Your energy when you touch me Lifted me off the ground Your words to me are like music I don't know who you ar
Love you meet in the springtime Is rarely love you can keep Fall in the winter When the sheet of snow got a deep Spring love that lasts through summer Surely will be standing like a fool Fall in the winter When the heart ain't so easy sold Summer lov
Spring Fever - Misty blue 오 안녕 나의 겨울아 아직도 기억할런지 따스한 봄이 오면은 안녕을 말하자 했지 내겐 뜨거웠던 겨울 등을 돌린 채 아무런 약속 없이 소리 없이 마지막 인사도 없이 그저 헤메이다 바람의 낮은 숨결 닮은 그대 포근한 봄기운에 나를 실어 다정했던 그 때 그 곳으로 한 번만 더 나를 오 안녕 나의 사랑아 아직도 괜찮을런지 따스한 봄이 오면은 안녕을 말하자 했지 내겐 차가웠던 그 날 등을 돌린 채 아무런 약속