Find Tomorrow 明日骄阳 [歌词] Take me to a place where time is frozen, you don't have to close your eyes to dream you can find an escape inside this moment and I'll follow 带着我飞往遗忘之地, 你不必闭目浮想联翩, 转瞬间你就可以发现 解脱之路就在你眼前, 我将亦步亦趋紧跟随. I believe love can't take this
Find Tomorrow 明日骄阳 [歌词] Take me to a place where time is frozen, you don't have to close your eyes to dream you can find an escape inside this moment and I'll follow 带着我飞往遗忘之地, 你不必闭目浮想联翩, 转瞬间你就可以发现 解脱之路就在你眼前, 我将亦步亦趋紧跟随. I believe love can't take this