Gala Come Into My Life歌词

Riding backseats on night highways
Dark spaces white lights through the window
I'm moving too fast through my life
While the moon remains constant in the sky

The night is holding its breath
Inside in silence I'm dead,
But if I make it until tomorrow
I know that my fear will be gone
And so I'm waiting for the morning to come

Come, come, come into my life
Come, come, stay with me
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no

I'm breathing the silence tonight
Won't I ever arrive where I am going?
I'm saying your name inside
While the moon is following my ride

Only now, I can let this night go by
The black earth breaks the day
I don't want my heart to dry
It says come into my life

It says
Come, come, come into my life
Come, come, stay with me
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no

If I say I'll forget you, I'm lying
Looking for you I'm still waiting
Whatever I do with my life
The moon remains constant in the sky

Just today I knew what was right
But on this silent day
I can hear my voice inside
It says come into my life

It says
Come, come, come into my life
Come, come, stay with me
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no

  • 专辑:Come Into My Life
  • 歌手:Gala
  • 歌曲:Come Into My Life

Gala Come Into My Life歌词


GALA 忧郁的废物3歌词

08/03 18:01
我们只能 只能成长 只能成长而不敢茁壮 我的这副药 你要坚持吃 三个疗程后 能胸口碎大石 人生苦短 譬如朝露 (没空伤感) 妈妈咪呀 什么是幸福 幸福是块糖 会让你发胖 无力去抵抗 这世界的疯狂 还在犹豫什么呢 babe 抓紧时间 尽情浪费 只有龟龟能活一万岁 多美丽的花都会枯萎 看到情侣们紧紧依偎 那是一种 残酷的美 只有欲望能活一万岁 许下的海誓山盟在垃圾堆 啦-啦-啦 制作人:GALA + Other Great Music Arrangers 吉他:赵亮 贝司:石亮 鼓:甘虎.小达 钢琴

Gala Let a Boy Cry歌词

08/01 08:59
I pass through noise and silence, I walk alone It's a beautiful day, it's raining and it's cold Reflected onto the wet pavement, can you see what I see? The trembling image of my eyes that are still free I pass through noise and silence, I walk alone

GALA 飞行员之歌歌词

08/11 06:11
GALA-飞行员之歌 我是孤独的飞行员 漫长的夜里 寂静地盘旋 我躺在想你的床上 去哪里降落 能卸载忧伤 我是孤独的飞行员 孤独地制造地对空导弹 地对空导弹准备发射 想起你说 别着急 别急亲爱的 sweety sweety 我一定穷尽所有力气坚持到底 sweety sweety 在世界末日之前你是我的唯一 专辑:飞行员之歌 歌手:GALA 歌曲:飞行员之歌

GALA Young For You 歌词

08/09 11:26
Sunday's coming I wanna drive my car To your apartment with a present like a star Forecaster said the weather may be rainy hard But I know the sun will shine for us Oh lazy seagull fly me from the dark I dress my jeans and feed my monkey banana Then

GALA 追梦赤子心歌词

08/10 19:57
充满鲜花的世界到底在哪里 如果它真的存在那么我一定会去 我想在那里最高的山峰矗立 不在乎它是不是悬崖峭壁 用力活着用力爱哪怕肝脑涂地 不求任何人满意只要对得起自己 关于理想我从来没选择放弃 即使在灰头土脸的日子里 也许我没有天分 但我有梦的天真 我将会去证明 用我的一生 也许我手比脚笨 但我愿不停探寻 付出所有的青春 不留遗憾 向前跑 迎着冷眼和嘲笑 生命的广阔不历经磨难怎能感到 命运它无法让我们跪地求饶 就算鲜血洒满了怀抱 继续跑 带着赤子的骄傲 生命的闪耀不坚持到底怎能看到 与其苟延残喘不如

Gala Freed From Desire歌词

07/29 03:34
I pass through noise and silence, I walk alone It's a beautiful day, it's raining and it's cold Reflected onto the wet pavement, can you see what I see? The trembling image of my eyes that are still free I pass through noise and silence, I walk alone

GALA 北戴河之歌歌词

08/03 10:20
你敢不敢跟我走 去那大地的尽头 你男朋友介意我不会强求 你愿不愿跟我走 去看飞翔的海鸥 你向往自由我们就不回头 别犹豫 我爱你 北鼻 和你在一起 什么都美丽 哪怕 天不够蓝 海不够宽 马尔代夫太遥远 只要吻到你的脸 北戴河也是乐园 这里 阳光灿烂 人们友善 我们从不会孤单 心中有船可扬帆 肚上长着救生圈 你想不想跟我走 冲向最高的浪头 如果你害怕可以牵我的手 制作人:GALA + Other Great Music Arrangers 吉他:赵亮 贝司:石亮 鼓:小达 钢琴:苏朵 和声演唱:苏朵

GALA Tennessee 歌词

07/31 01:36
tennessee (edited by ajiadang) tennessee you shine on me eazy come hard to leave i should die but never cry used to be a magic knight dream some dreams not say sorry paint my heart let it be lush hold me tight that's alright anyway you're my sea *dan

GALA 雪白透亮歌词

07/28 13:44
雨下的狂 砸在我的窗 ​ 也砸碎了天空中的梦想 ​不断想象 未来的模样 ​ 这一步和下一步那么长​ ​ 我想我 还是把梦关了吧 ​我想我 不是真的害怕伤​ 过去的枝和芽 叶和花​ 让暴雨洗清 挥不散的忧伤​ ​ 多想听听雨后的海浪​ 多想看看温暖的霞光​ 可是我疯了 累了 倦了 痛了​ 命运带走阳光却给我坚强 ​我雪白透亮 ​​风吹得响吹不走彷徨 ​ 也吹不去最原始的向往​ 不停张望未来的模样 ​ 除了向前没有其他方向​ ​ 我想我还会笑看这世界​ 去迎接生命带来的一切 ​心中谨记一句不妥协 ​

GALA 娜娜歌词

08/11 07:24
忽然夏夜 化为晨冬 潮落无声 却汹涌 寥寂夜空 无尽无穷 留一盏灯 为你到天明 忘不了曾经 甘苦与共 不问冷暖 相依相拥 忘不了后来 水乳难交融 你随心而行 剩下我寤寐不宁 想把你留下来生活不再去漂泊 想给你写封信我的心情已淡漠 想让你变快乐不管未来多渺茫 想和你说再见人已不知了去向 忘不了曾经 青春懵懂 穷尽所能 抹月批风 忘不了后来 云过天空 你随心而行 剩下我寤寐不宁 想把你留下来生活不再去漂泊 想给你写封信我的心情已淡漠 想让你变快乐不管未来多渺茫 想和你说再见人已不知了去向 失去你我不