
郁林 象宇宙一样古老歌词

10/17 02:47
2象宇宙一样古老 As old as the universe 众神走了 Thearchy has gone 祖先也死了 Ancestors have gone too 众说纷纭的传说 Various legends 残缺不全的家谱 Incomplete family tree 何处去追寻那生命之根 Where can I find the root of life 你就是神迹你就是凭证 You are the miracle you are the witness 你和宇宙一样的古老 You

郁林 怪东西歌词

10/13 00:08
8冰人 Iceman 你也曾想过要皈依 You have considered to convert 可当你进去你才发现那里 But when you were in there you understood 都是些贩卖信仰的骗子 All of them are cheaters who sell beliefs 都是些拐卖灵魂的骗子 All of them are cheaters who traffick souls 他们一手拿着进入天堂的门票 They grip the ticket fo

郁林 叹英曲歌词

10/10 00:37
5叹英曲 Hero Lament 混沌之中一噩梦 A nightmare in chaos 暗无天日一牢笼 Like a cage with no sunlight 粉身碎骨一霹雳 Destroyed by thunderbolt 从此世界大不同 A new world started 蚩尤冢上草已黄 Weeds have grown on Chi You tomb 断头根苗今何方 Where is the pure blood 游遍黄河到长江 From Yellow River to The

郁林 世纪病人歌词

10/03 11:15
6世纪病人 Psychopath of the century 别以为你自己已经真的很强壮 Don't think you are strong enough 其实你只是浮肿和虚胖 In fact you are swelling and obese 别以为你自己真的富有了 Don't think you are rich enough 其实你只是脑子在萎缩心在膨胀 In fact your brain is shrinking and your heart is swelling 理想不是让枪

郁林 金顶山的脚下歌词

10/03 11:15
金顶山的脚下The foot of Golden Top Mountain 我就住在金顶山的脚下 I live at the foot of Golden Top Mountain 只要打开门窗我就能望见它 I can see it when I open the door and the window 这让我想起了抬头见南山 It reminds me the old Chinese poetry picking chrysanthemums at east fence 采菊东篱下 leisu

郁林 春秋大头梦歌词

10/03 11:15
3春秋大头梦Grand Dreams 巨人轰然倒下大地开始崩塌 When the Giant is falling down the earth begins to collapse 一声巨响人们开始恐慌 people are getting scared after hearing a loud crash 临别的残阳将血泪洒到了路上 The incomplete setting sun sprays its blood tears on the road 一场恶梦一场春梦 A nightma

郁林 丢失的晚餐歌词

09/30 19:01
10丢失的晚餐 The lost dinner 有两个黑影在暮色的河边垂钓 Two black shadows are fishing by the river 他们注视着浮标在秘密地交谈轻声地窃笑 They are watching the buoy talking secretly andsnickering quietly 那些丢失的红萝卜被肮脏河水卷走了 Those missing carrots have been swept away by the dirty river 孩子徘徊在