3 Words

Cheryl Cole Fight For This Love歌词

12/15 02:40
Cheryl Cole - Fight For This Love Too much of anything can make you sick Even the good can be a curse Makes it hard to know which road to go down Know when too much can get you hurt Is it better Is it worse Are we sitting in reverse It's just like we

Cheryl Cole Stand Up歌词

12/10 22:34
Cause I came here to dance I'm gonna put up my hands And stand up, stand up Cause I came here to dance I'm gonna put up my hands And stand up, stand up Get up, get up When the music gets a hold of you Get up, get up When the music gets control of you

Cheryl Cole Parachute歌词

12/10 11:53
I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned won't tell anybody, won't tell anybody. They want to push me down, they want to see you fall down. Won't tell anybody how you turn my world aro

Cheryl Cole 3 Words歌词

12/08 19:13
I met a guy at the club I let him know I'm in love I met a girl at the bar I let her now who you are I told her you are the love of my life And one day you're gonna be my wife, and We are gonna have some babies together uh ah uh uh ah I told him you

Cheryl Cole Heaven歌词

12/08 06:06
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Cheryl Cole Rain On Me歌词

12/03 01:58
It's a sunny day So I got nowhere to hide Not a cloud in the sky So I'm pretending I've got something in my eyes Just so you won't see me cry So I wait for the storm, (oooh) To hide all my tears But it's taking too long But I won't run for the door,

Elliott Yamin 3 Words歌词

12/01 10:37
Every story has an ending Ours is just the same We can't run away Where's the glory in holding onto something We can't change Ooh Where's the distance between the things you say And what you do Let's just tell the truth And the resistance Pretending

Cheryl Cole Happy Hour歌词

12/01 02:27
Cheryl Cole - Happy Hour How can I know what you need If you never ask How can I drive you crazy When I've got no gas How could we be together When we're so far apart You tell me that you love me then you go and break my heart I'll admit that I've go