and now, its all the same to me so be whatever you want to be and go wherever you need to go and when it all seems like a mistake take whatever you need to take and leave the rest for my own sake i will always go beside you you will always understand
Everybody Else Is Doing It
The Cranberries I Will Always歌词
The Cranberries How歌词
Look, you're standing alone (Standing alone.) How ever I should have known, (I should have known.) Never before, never again, You will ignore, I will pretend. Never before, never again, You will ignore, I will pretend. In your world, you're alone in
The Cranberries Linger歌词
If you, if you could return don't let it burn don't let it fade I'm sure I'm not being rude but it's just your attitude it's tearing me apart it's ruining everyday I swore, I swore I would be true but honey so did you so why were you holding her hand
The Cranberries Put Me Down歌词
歌曲名称:Put Me Down 歌手: Cranberries 专辑:Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Cant We ? Let me take you by the hand, Away from here to another land. Oh, this land in which we live, Where people love and are meant to forgive. And you always put me wrong, Cau
The Cranberries Pretty歌词
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The Cranberries Sunday歌词
oh~ do you know where to go where to go~ something on your mind wanna leave me behind wanna leave me behind~ youre spinning me around my feet are off the ground i dont know where i stand do you have to hold my hand you mystify me you mystify me you m
The Cranberries Still Can't...歌词
still can't recognize the way i feel i feel i feel nothing of what you said to me was real and you still can't find the strength to apologize~ he lies u just go on laughing and telling everyone lies 'cos you wanted it all you wanted it all you wanted