
Yngwie Malmsteen Gimme, Gimme, Gimmie歌词

08/05 03:54
Gimme gimme gimme your love after midnight Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away Half past twelve And I'm watching the late show in my room all alone How I hate to spend the evening on my own Autumn winds Blowing outside the window as I look

日本群星 Santa Baby (Gimme, Gimme, Gimme)歌词

08/02 03:01
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Blackfoot Gimme, Gimme, Gimme歌词

07/30 12:58
Ohh, lets get it on Wellll, good God mama what's wrong with your face Been out all night you're a total disgrace Here you come again with your hands out by your side Yes, I don't know what's the matter with you Dad gummit money thing you act like a f