Somebody saw you at the station You had your suitcase in your hand You didn't give no information You walked off with another man I'm always standing in the shadows, baby I watched you give yourself away You take them home into your bedroom You had a
Hey Stoopid
Alice Cooper Love's a Loaded Gun歌词
Alice Cooper Dangerous Tonight歌词
[ti:Dangerous tonight] [ar:松任谷由実] [al:そしてもう一度夢見るだろう] [00:01.35]「Dangerous tonight」 [00:06.35]作詞∶松任谷由実 [00:11.35]作曲∶松任谷由実 [00:16.35]歌∶松任谷由実 [00:19.35] [00:21.35]Dangerous, tonight 目と目が合って [00:25.95]となりの席が 空いてた [00:30.52]滑り込む影のように [00:34.78]前から知ってたみたいに
Alice Cooper Hey Stoopid歌词
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Alice Cooper Feed My Frankenstein歌词
Yes, yes, I know your hungry "Feed my Frankenstein" Well, I ain't evil I'm just good lookin' Start a little fire And baby start cookin' I'm a hungry man But I don't want pizza I'll blow down your house And then I'm gonna eat ya Bring you to a si