No Coming Back

Stevie Hoang All My Love歌词

08/08 15:51
All My Love: oh.. oh yeah yeah my baby you know i cannot explain how it feels when we touch everywhere i go i call your name it keeps me strong to carry on sometimes when all hope is gone your love is there to guide me through til the end of time my

Stevie Hoang l'll Be Fine <Robert Orton Mix>歌词

08/04 17:03
I'll Be Fine Lyrics It's better if we don't speak at all, all, all (at all, all, all x2) It's better if we don't speak at all, all, all (at all, all, all x3) Now deep down inside You know, it cuts like a knife But I'm too proud to show it Pain in my

Stevie Hoang No Coming Back歌词

08/02 18:47
There's no coming back back There's no coming back back There's no coming back back There's no coming back back My love my trust gave you everything My heart my soul And every part of me But still you left And chose to be with him Now you wanna come

Stevie Hoang Stevie Hoang's Best Hits -Non-Stop Mix-歌词

07/31 05:37
Let me start by saying baby ive been such a fool Since we've been apart ive realized im needing you Now i dont blame you if you choose to turn and walk away But girl i think that what we have is worth another day Can we try To get it back right And I

Stevie Hoang Better Man歌词

07/29 09:53
Send someone to love me.送一个人来爱我. I need to rest in arms.我需要在其怀抱中入睡. Keep me safe from harm.让我有安全感,远离伤害. In pouring rain.远离倾盆大雨(大声哭泣). Give me endless summer.给我无尽的夏季. Lord I fear the cold.上帝我害怕寒冷. Feel I'm getting old.感觉自己在变得苍老. Before my time.未老先衰. A

Stevie Hoang Make It To The End ~どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?~歌词

07/28 21:48
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Verdana;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\ql\qnatural \f0\fs26 \cf0 Here we are\ St

Stevie Hoang So Cold歌词

07/28 21:45
I woke up one night and it hit me You were gone (You were gone) Now I'll be the first to admit That I was wrong (I was wrong) Cause I never made time When I pushed your love away And it's killing me Cause now it's too late Since you been away It's go