Old Man's Child

Old Man's Child In Torment's Orbit歌词

12/14 09:10
A world gone blind Delusions never end A world gone wild Where hate is all untamed Flesh will shatter As evil debarks The shades of hope Will slowly dissolve to dust Defied by life itself Remnants of an earlier past Lost in time repelled by thier god

Old Man's Child Enslaved and Condemned歌词

12/11 18:17
elements of war in cold human detest scan the world invade, kill the rest no remorse come forth, demonize break through infest their soul in silence of night as hell returns evil's might completes raise the flag of hate and praise shall be won for th

Old Man's Child My Evil Revelations歌词

12/11 13:14
I can hear the demons call from within my inner self I can feel destruction roars from beyond another world they rape my mind as I try to resist but I can't cause I'm just like them I will roam this earth I'm reborn by the devils birth Open the gates

Old Man's Child Demons of the Thorncastle歌词

12/05 08:36
Demons of the Thorncastle Deep within the shadowland Far beyond the distance Lies a castle upon the hills Unsettled for a thousand years The soldiers that lived there once Warriors from the north Died beneath their enemies blade And ended with defeat

Old Man's Child Demoniacal Possession歌词

12/03 07:43
Sick is my spirit for I am bound to possess, sweet is my vengeance for i can taste it's blood blessed are my sins and all I with evil do, strong I will pray for the end of morrow day I belive the devil and I will burn in hell those who he possess sha

Old Man's Child Towards Eternity歌词

12/03 07:43
Strangely we await them like the morning breeze in a night so dark and silent as in the realms of death in the streams of nothing going toward eternity From a world far beyond a world of evil existence they dwell within the light of God and await the

Old Man's Child The Crimson Meadows歌词

12/01 13:02
In the mist of the morning light's shadows triumphant, he stands battered and proud in the dark of the morning light's shades the meadow is red, and the fallen lies dead tales of a menace, abandoned by god fierce is the wrath, and this is his land on

Old Man's Child Black Seeds on Virgin Soil歌词

12/01 01:09
Trapped in a fire that burns in my soul Like parasites infesting my skin Screaming for vengeance, and vengeance is mine With my faith I will prevail Chained to times of despair As the end is close and my demons are here Craving for my inner thoughts

Old Man's Child My Kingdom Will Come歌词

11/29 01:10
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