Qntal IV: Ozymandias

Qntal Ozymandias歌词

08/08 20:54
Ozymandias I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command Tell that its scu

Qntal Cupido歌词

08/05 11:42
Stetit puella rufa tunica si quis eam tetigit, tunica crepuit Stetit puella tamquam rosula, facie splenduit et os eius floruit (There stood a girl in a red dress, if someone touched her/it, the dress would make a sound. There stood a girl like a litt

Qntal Flamma歌词

08/03 23:11
Tempus est iocundum, o virgines! modo congaudete, vos iuvenes! Flos est puellarum, quam diligo, et rosa rosarum, qua caleo. Tua me confortat promissio, tua me deportat negatio. O, totus floreo! iam amore virginali totus ardeo; novus, novus amor est,

Qntal Blac歌词

08/01 09:06
Qntal:Blac Qntal IV: Ozymandias (2005) blac is a colour that is good so say I and many mo blac is my hat, blac is my hood blac is all that longeth therto summe men sayen I am blac- it is a colour for my prow ther I love, ther is no lac I may not be s

Qntal Dulcis Amor歌词

08/01 09:06
Qui te caret hoc tempore, fit vilior. O dulcis Amor Ecce florescunt lilia, et virginum dant agmina summo deorum carmina. Dulcis Amor. Veris dulcis in tempore florenti stat sub arbore luliana cum sorore. Dulcis Amor. Si tenerem quam cupio, in nemore s

Qntal Vogelfluc歌词

08/01 09:05
Mir ist alle zît als ich vliegende var, ob al der werlte und diu min alliu si. swar ich gedenke, vil wol sprung ich dar. swie verre ez ist, wil ich, sost mirz nâhe bî. Starc unde snel, beidiu rîche unde frî ist mir der muot: dur daz loufe ich sô bald

Qntal All for One歌词

07/30 20:01
I must go walk the woods so wild, and wander here and there in dred and dedly fere, for where I trusted,I am begild, and all for one. Thus am I banisshed from by blis by craft and false pretens, fautles without offens, as of return no certen is, and

Qntal Remember Me (Dido's Lament)歌词

07/30 10:13
Remember me When I am laid Am laid in earth May my wrongs create No trouble, no trouble in thy breast Remember me, remember me But, ah, forget my fate ! Remember me, but, ah, forget my fate ! 专辑:Qntal IV: Ozymandias 歌手:Qntal 歌曲:Remember Me (Dido's La