Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows

Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows Cage within a Cage (... within a Cage within a Cage...)歌词

08/11 20:00
Wieder nur ein Käfig innerhalb eines Käfigs, und jegliches Erwachen ist nur grausame Illusion, ewig gefangen in der eigenen Traum; uschung, wie der trügerische Traum innerhalb eines Traums... 专辑:Todeswunsch - Sous le Soleil de Saturne 歌手:Sopor Aetern

Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows On Satur(n)days we used to sleep歌词

08/09 07:25
On satur(n)days we used to sleep Sopor Aeternus On Satur(n)days we used to sleep all motionless and still ... 在星期六我们习惯了寂静的睡眠 While shrouded in an oppressive gloom we''re handed over to the dream. 当我们被深沉的阴暗包裹,我们被交付到梦境之中 A sleep so dark, this "Moon by

Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows La Mort d'Arthur歌词

08/08 11:46
When I was a little child 当我是一个小孩的时候 We often walked the country-side 我们总是在乡间漫步 in brightest sunlight, or in rain 在最灿烂的阳光中,或是在雨中 my mother took me by the hand 妈妈牵着我的手 and as she had me in her tow 就像她操纵着我 a frown then came upon her brow 一道皱纹出现在她的眉间 sh

Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows Sieh', mein Geliebter, hier hab' ich Gift歌词

08/07 08:20
Schatten, Schatten, komm' herbei, 影子啊影子,归来 auf diesem Lager harrt ein Leib! 回到胴体中来 Die Brust, die unstet steigt und sinkt, 起伏莫定的胸膛 der Atem neues Leid nur bringt...!" 呼吸不过带来了新的伤痛 Ein Seufzen, schwach, er zittert arg, 一声叹息,微若游丝,剧烈地颤抖着 sein trüber Blic

Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows Eldorado歌词

08/06 09:26
Gaily bedight, 华丽地装饰 A gallant knight, 英勇的骑士 In sunshine and in shadow, 在日光与暗影中 Had journeyed long, 日久跋涉 Singing a song, 唱着歌 In search of Eldorado. 寻找着黄金国 But he grew old- 但随着年龄增长 This knight so bold- 这个骑士依旧如此勇敢 And over his heart a shadow fell 一道阴影横

Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows Cornflowers歌词

08/04 01:02
If I had... Oh, if I only had a proper cunt I would be delighted to lift my skirt for you. I would gladly take your hard cock in my hands and bury it, ever so deeply, in the darkness of my tomb. Come, my handsome ghost of lust, and masturbate for me

Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows Dead Souls歌词

08/04 01:02
<死灵> 隐藏在仁慈的阴影背后,超越残忍的阳光, 为猎取和屠杀而生存,我们是...深夜被诅咒了的孩子. 几千年来我们为了不被打扰的存在而斗争, 从黄昏到黎明我们为我们的不朽而承受煎熬. 入侵者污染我们的坟墓,十字架烧伤我们的皮肤, 你可以无数次地杀死我们,但是我们仍会永远生存...疼痛地生存...痛不欲生. "我是偷走自己尸体的僵尸, 并把他诱拐,带到他深爱着的地下陵寝". 死亡与腐烂,苍白的味道, 对于我们这既非天堂也非地狱, 仅仅只有皮肤上的红斑可以证明, 过去日子曾阴

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Stake Of My Soul歌词

08/03 22:28
Would your bare your neck ... to the walking dead ... Secretly, at least, within the safety of your head? Tell me, isn't it nice - every once in a while - Being the centre of attention of a loving, Handsome ... Parasite, Answering your call, the invi

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows The Feast Of Blood歌词

08/03 08:13
Today they've found another one, Lifeless on the cold subway-floor. His face was turned to his back ... - The same way the other died before. Drain the mortals to their last convulsion and veil the ancient cause, Let off ... of them ... and see them

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Where the Ancient Laurel Grows歌词

08/01 13:00
I wish that he and I at least once in a While had something small in common ...- a secret, if you like. But there's no common ground here, not a single thing we share, on the same Planet we live, but in two different Worlds. He clearly did not like m

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Va(r)nitas, vanitas... (omnia vanitas)歌词

08/01 12:07
Knochen verbrennen bei 760°C...-骨头在760度焚烧着... und damit ist eigentlich auch schon alles gesagt. 该说的, 已说过 Komm', laß' uns spielen "König und Königin", 来,齐来玩"国王与王后" dreimal darfst Du raten, wer von beiden ich dann bin! 让你猜三次, 哪个才是我 Doch

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Only the Dead in the Mist歌词

07/31 13:08
Old, senseless thoughts half frozen in loneliness, faster and faster we're spinning in circles; imprisoned in pain, floating without sound, the death in the mist aimlessly wandering around Our sad eyes say: "We have lost our view !" Dead souls w

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Time stands still...歌词

07/30 04:15
That little mountain raises (silently) while other dissolve into a plain time redefines itself (irrationally) falls in sadness grain by grain... Time heals all the wounds The two-tongued echo seems to say but nothing, nothing changes still pain remai

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Architecture II 歌词

07/29 18:52
Over many years we have erected walls that even he could never penetrate. His well-trained voice is of enormous power as it's based on many years of practise and an iron will of a certain kind ... - melodiously it carries wide, pervades each space, r

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Beautiful Thorn歌词

07/29 12:38
Ivy kissed the shadows, As mo(u)rning lusts for dew, She with lips of sweetest pain, Lies in wait for you. With the dawn she went away, Before mist veiled the earth, Nothing remained - except for the wounds - The only gift of her. "Oh, for themselves

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Die Stimme im Sturm歌词

07/29 12:16
2. Die Stimme Im Sturm Jenseits der Grenzen dieses Reiches zog eine Bardin weit durch das Land. Sie kam mit dem Wind und sie folgte dem Morgen, der Spielleute Freiheit ist fern aller Sorgen... und so fand sie das Schloss an der Klippe Rand und hatte

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows The Conqueror Worm歌词

07/29 02:52
Lo! Tis a gala night 看!这是个狂欢的晚上, Within the lonesome latter years! 在凄凄凉凉的暮年! An Angel throng, bewinged, bedight 有群蝉翼仙子,脸上 In veils, and drownd in tears, 蒙着轻纱,热泪涟涟, Sit in a theatre, to see 端坐戏院里,观看 A play of hopes and fears. 一出恐惧和希望交织的悲剧, While the o

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Flesh Crucifix (Suffering from Objectivity)歌词

07/29 01:59
Mors voluntaria venerabilis es dea me suaviari cum labris frigorum tu obscurissima omnes deorum... 专辑:Todeswunsch - Sous le Soleil de Saturne 歌手:Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows 歌曲:Flesh Crucifix (Suffering from Objectivity)

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Les Fleurs du Mal歌词

07/28 19:24
Sadly masculine his naked body lies beside me, stretched out on the pale sheets of my otherwise deserted bed. I do not know how he got here. I am not even sure, if I am hiding him. Trophy or lost property ... -- did I drag him to this place, slave to

Sopor Aeternus &amp; the Ensemble of Shadows Somnambulist&#039;s secret Bardo-Life (Does the Increase of Pain invite the Absence of Time?)歌词

07/28 15:58
Somnambulist's secret Bardo-Life 梦游者秘密的中阴生活 I have no body and I feel no pain 我没有身体,我感觉不到疼痛 for I am no longer here again. 因为我不再属于这里 Now I can fly through-out the widest space 现在我可以在飞,穿梭于最广袤的空间. finally I'm set free from all my chains. 终于,我挣脱所有的枷锁获得自