The Altar and the Door

Casting Crowns The World Is Alive歌词

12/14 11:43
Looking out from his throne Father of light and of men Chose to make himself known And show us the way back to Him Speaking wisdom and truth Into the hearts of peasants and Kings He began to unveil The word that would change the course of all things

Casting Crowns The Altar and the Door歌词

12/10 04:20
Careless, I am reckless I'm a wrong way traveling, slowly unraveling, shell of a man Burn out, I'm so numb now That the fire's just an ember way down in the corner, of my cold, cold heart Lord this time, I'll make it right Here at the altar I lay my

Casting Crowns Slow Fade歌词

12/09 06:01
Be careful little eyes what you see It's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings Be careful little feet where you go For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow It's a slow fade when you give yourself away

Casting Crowns I Know You're There歌词

12/07 21:57
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Casting Crowns What This World Needs歌词

12/07 04:08
What this world needs Is not another one-hit wonder with an axe to grind Another two-bit politician peddling lies Another three-ring circus society What this world needs Is not another sign-waving super- that thinks he's better than you Another ear-p

Casting Crowns Somewhere in the Middle歌词

12/07 01:30
Somewhere between the hot and the cold Somewhere between the new and the old Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be Somewhere in the middle, You'll find me Somewhere between the wrong and the right Somewhere between the darkness and the ligh

Casting Crowns East to West歌词

12/04 19:06
Here I am, Lord, and I'm drowning in your sea of forgetfulness The chains of yesterday surround me I yearn for peace and rest I don't want to end up where You found me And it echoes in my mind, keeps me awake tonight I know You've cast my sin as far

Casting Crowns Prayer for a Friend歌词

12/04 11:02
Lord, I lift my friend to You I've done all that I know to do I lift my friend to You Complicated circumstances have clouds his view Lord, I lift my friend to You I fear that I won't have the words that he needs to hear I pray for Your wisdom, oh God

Casting Crowns Every Man歌词

11/30 22:45
I'm the man with all I've ever wanted All the toys and playing games I am the one who pours your coffee, corner booth each Saturday I am your daughter's favorite teacher I am the leader of the band I sit behind you in the bleachers I am every man I'm

Casting Crowns All Because of Jesus歌词

11/30 04:45
Giver of every breath I breathe Author of all eternity Giver of every perfect thing To You be the glory Maker of Heaven and of Earth King over all the universe To You be the glory And I am alive because I'm alive in You And it's all because of Jesus