Zos Kia Cultus

Behemoth Sympathy for Fools歌词

08/05 22:23
Fools! I cast you all aside! Your bullets harm me not I am heresy, blazing hell The embodiment ov all you fear I am all which you can never be A truth revealing hate machine No longer will I tolerate Lies from a kingdom built on dread Yet what if nau

Behemoth Zos Kïa CVLTVS歌词

08/05 22:23
Praise to thee - Sabbath Goat Rising from the smoke Entheogenic god Dwelt in inbetweeness In quadriga sexualis Thou art mysttery unveiled On the sun we fed Worshiiped spirit in matter descended Through the mists ov the highest mountains led Out ov da

Behemoth Here and Beyond歌词

08/05 22:23
Arrived we to the days ov our beginning To the City ov God clothed with the mists Enslaved by life we danced spinning In the taverns of time we used to sit And drunk with memories Dead moments glorified I saw the phantoms ov Golgotha Legion Legion Fe

Behemoth Typhonïan Soul Zodïack歌词

08/05 22:08
Above the high temple ov matter Svastikas ov time slash the heaven And from the pit, from the slime From the thought Gliphotic intruder decays Lilith, Thantilaxath, Zi'uaq Non-manifestation born in the dark ov a day Can you hear distant desert call?

Behemoth As Above So Below歌词

07/29 22:34
I've seen strange signs on my way 吾于途之上见异象 Silent shadows 无声暗影 Dancing shapes 乱舞妖形 And angels fallen on the earth 众天使坠落尘土 Face up 仰面 And look there 绝望 When the root ov thy being cannot reach 再无可企及汝之根源 Art thou Nephilim child? 汝可是巨人之子? Are ye looking